Sunday, October 18, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten

I'm not sure when we gave Courtney permission to grow up, but she is. I used to laugh when people would say that time went too quickly and that they wouldn't be little for long. I used to not believe people when they said they couldn't remember their children as babies. I now believe everyone that has ever told me those things. Courtney is absolutely loving school. She works really hard and is already a great reader! Her teacher is the greatest and the best part about the beginning of this school year(drum roll please!) is that there was no crying. Not one tear was shed for the start of school this year. Yet another reason that we know that she is growing up. I am so happy and relieved. This is what the two painful years of preschool were for. She is absolutely the light in our life and we wouldn't trade her for all the money in the world! She makes us happy and our family complete.

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