Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Tyler Jay Johnson

Congratulations to Bryson and Shannon Johnson on the birth of their new baby boy!
Shannon, my sister-in-law, was scheduled to be induced on Monday. I got the great opportunity to watch their two kids, Brayden and Lauryn. Courtney had a blast playing all day with them. The baby, Tyler, ended up moving sideways and then into breach position, so they did an emergency C-section. Both mom and baby ended up being fine but the cord was wrapped around Tyler several times and there was a knot in the umbilical cord. We're so grateful that all is well! We ended up having to wait four hours for Tyler to get out of the nursery and into Shannon's room. Only a select few waited it out(obviously, including me). We also visited the next day, when Courtney got to hold him. She loves this little cousin of hers so much. She has been counting down the days with Shannon. Courtney says,"Don't worry, I'll hold the baby, and feed the baby, and burp the baby, mom." It's really cute. My grandmother, Nana to the great grandchildren, was able to stop by and hold her 31st great grandchild. Sorry to those of you who don't know my family members that I keep writing about. Let's be honest, how can you pass up looking at such a cute baby. If our life starts getting more interesting on it's own, we'll let you know.