Thursday, April 24, 2008

Change is in the air

I decided to finally cut my hair! Dave really doesn't like short hair, so I have kept it long for most of our marriage but I was getting so sick of it that I just chopped it off. I thought it would be easier to do but it actually takes me more time than before. I like it and it has been good on warm days(today not included, since it is SNOWING!) but I may just stick to long hair in the future.

Also, Dave changed jobs! Although we are pretty sad that we no longer get free movie tickets :( we are happy that he is doing something new and challenging. The company is called No More Mortgage, and he is the marketing director there. I am so proud of him for getting this job and making a difficult change. He has enjoyed it so far, and hopefully will continue to.


foreveryoung said...

You look totally cute, I love it! So what does Dave think now that it's short? There definately must be change in the air because I just dyed my hair pretty much black and I'm going to get extensions, the total opposite of you, but I love it, it's fun to do something different. I need to post pictures. Short hair definately is way harder to do because you can't just pull it back in a pony tail. But it looks totally cute and sassy and I love it! And congrats to Dave and his new job, I'm glad he's enjoying it, but bummer about the movie tickets!

Unknown said...

Gasp! A post!!

Seriously, you are a hottie and you know I'm jealous. And... I'm dealing with the loss of movie tickets, but I'm so mad that the happy couple isn't taking us to Australia anymore. Boo!
Cute picture!!

Jamie said...

Your hair is so cute!!! I know what you mean about it taking more time. Yikes!!! It was fun to be at your house the other day. You are a great friend!

JT, Carly, Boston, Jocelyn and Snuggles said...

Love it!!

lindsay said...

you are gorgeous!!! i LOVE it! did you color it more blonde too? hot mama!

Aimees5 said...

As Jim Carrey once said....B E A Utiful! I think you are fabulous!

Brittany said...

I love your hair! Who care's what Dave thinks, right? jk. Good luck with the new job/hair, but sorry you don't get those valuable movie tickets anymore!

The Thompson Family said...

WOW! I didn't even recognize you...I love it though you look so cute. I have never seen you with short hair. I miss you and we need to get together soon.